Volunteering at Save-a-Pet
This includes those who need to complete volunteer hours for school, university or workplaces.
If you are 17 years or older, and would like to fill your hours, please email Leigh on manager@saveapet.co.za
Save-a-Pet is unable to accommodate casual volunteers under the age of 17 years.
Click here for Casual Volunteer rules and guidelines.
Limited size groups can be accommodated, including groups under 17 years of age (e.g. school groups, scouts), by prior arrangement. Groups under 17 years of age will need enough adult supervision accompanying them. To arrange group volunteering please contact Leigh on manager@saveapet.co.za with the following info: size of group, date(s) and time(s) you would like to come and length of time.
Click here for Group Volunteer rules and guidelines.
PLEASE NOTE: Casual volunteers will be asked to assist with cleaning, gardening and maintenance. Interacting with animals (e.g. grooming, walking dogs etc.) is reserved for trained volunteers.
This programme is designed for volunteers who wish to work with our dogs and cats, hopefully on an ongoing basis. Volunteers are required to FIRST attend a training session. All volunteers under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
Why training sessions? Save-a-Pet staff have put a lot of effort into decreasing stress amongst our animals, teaching them life skills etc. Therefore, we would like everyone interacting with them to do so in a consistent way and using methods approved by our behaviourist.
Types of volunteers:
• Dog Walking (16 years and over only)
• General Dog and Puppy Habituation Volunteers
• Cat & Kitten Volunteers
3 April 2025 @ 9:30am – Cat/Kitten Volunteer Training (1.5 hours)
3 April 2025 @ 11:30am – General Dog and Puppy Habituation Volunteer Training (2.5 hours)
3 July 2025 @ 10:00am – Dog Walking Volunteer Training (2.5 hours)
8 October 2025 @ 10:30am – Cat/Kitten Volunteer Training (1.5 hours)
9 October 2025 @ 10:00am – General Dog and Puppy Habituation Volunteer Training (2.5 hours)
11 December 2025 @ 10:00am – Dog Walking Volunteer Training (2.5 hours)
Subject to change without notification
If you are interested in becoming a long-term volunteer, please email Leigh on manager@saveapet.co.za with information on your age and which session you would like to attend.
Fundraising – If you are interested in joining our fund raising committee, brainstorming ideas, managing events, manning a stall, baking goods for sale, contacting sponsors for donations or helping out in other ways, please contact us on fundraising@saveapet.co.za
Save-a-Pet Committee – Save-a-Pet is run by a Managing Committee consisting of volunteers holding portfolios such as Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations, Fundraising, Education etc. If you would like to get involved in this very important capacity or find out more please contact Gill on gill@saveapet.co.za
Charity Shop – Volunteers play an important role in helping our Charity Shop Manager. Do you have a few hours to spare each week to assist with tasks such as sorting incoming stock, keeping the shop tidy and/or assisting customers? Please contact us on charityshop@saveapet.co.za
Special Skills – Do you have a particular skill set that would benefit Save-a-Pet and the animals in our care? E.g. Tree trimming/felling, maintenance (painting, woodwork, metalwork, transport, etc.), Contact Gill on gill@saveapet.co.za